Tuesday, December 24, 2013

So I Survived

Wow, it's been awhile. Sorry it took so long, I've been a little busy with the craziness that is finals.

So this should be a pretty quick hit post, but I won't be surprised if I ramble. It's really early Christmas morning and my lovely wife reminded me a couple people were asking about how things have been going. Well, that's a question I suppose. First off I'll say that law school is interesting, challenging, and not entirely different from what I expected. What is a little different are how finals work. They are crazy. You basically have to sit in a room for 3 - 4 hours and apply all the law that you learned that term to a set of facts. It's really nothing like any other exam experience I've ever had. When you walk out of that room you have a vague notion that you just finished something and you hope you did OK. In the end it's all graded on a curve so basically you just have to hope you did better than some folks

As far as how I did. Well in case you couldn't guess from what was written above, I don't really know. I think I did OK. I hope I got most of the points possible, but I'm not at all confident about how it went. There are a lot of really smart people in my class, and I just hope I didn't do too horrible. I know there are a few others who feel the same general way. It's nothing at all like any other exam experience I've ever had.

The worst part really was all the preparation you do just to get ready for it. This one exam will be your grade in the class, so you want to make sure you're completely prepared. Unfortunately with it being our first term, it's really hard to know what you'll need during the exam. If there is anyone reading this thinking of going to law school and wondering the best way to prepare I'll join the chorus and say, take as many practice exams as you can find. I got all the ones I could from my instructors and if I couldn't, well I just found others online and pretended like my instructor was asking the question and covered the same stuff we did in class applied to that fact pattern. I don't know how much it helped with actually scoring well since I won't know my grades till next month, but I certainly felt more prepared and comfortable going in to the exams.

So anyway, that's how I feel about that. I've got another post in the works so it won't be long before that one comes out too.

Good luck, good night, and Merry Christmas to everyone

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